Boats & Politics Do Mix

Written by Kate Holden | May 11, 2015 9:32:03 PM

This week more than 250 marine industry professionals from across all sectors of the U.S. recreational boating industry are gathering on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. today to kick off the annual American Boating Congress (ABC), a three day advocacy event organized by NMMA. If you haven't been to ABC, you are really missing out on an exceptional experience. The NMMA does an excellent job of organizing this event. Thanks to their Washington DC team, all participants are quickly and efficiently transformed into educated and prepared lobbyists and sent up on the Hill with a list of specific meetings to advocate on a variety of issues that impact boating in the USA. It's daunting and fantastic to meet with policy makers, but you quickly realize, they want to hear what you have to say.

One of the more pressing issues facing boaters and the U.S. boating industry is the Renewable Fuel Standard and E15 mandate. If you are not familiar with this issue, click HERE to read an interesting article from Jay Leno, a passionate car collector, and his take on the situation. Be sure to click the lower link in the article to look at the chart offered that kind of says it all.  Even Exxon Mobile wants these misguided ethanol policies created by the corn industry to go away.

Anne Dunbar

IBEX Show Director